Third Party Software Acknowledgements

This section contains the licenses and notices for all open source software used in SmartLoader:

Library                                                              License
Google                                                               Cloud Common Protos For Java	Apache License
Aho-Corasick-Impl                                                    BSD 3-Clause License
An Open Source Java Toolkit For Amazon S3                            Apache License 2.0
AntLR                                                                Parser Generator	Public Domain
Antlr St4 4.0.4                                                      Public Domain
Antlr Stringtemplate                                                 Public Domain
AOP Alliance                                                         Public Domain
Apache Ant + Antlr                                                   Apache License 2.0
Apache Ant + Junit                                                   Apache License 2.0
Apache Ant Core                                                      Apache License 2.0
Apache Ant Launcher                                                  Apache License 2.0
Apache Avro                                                          Apache License 2.0
Apache Commons Beanutils                                             Apache License 2.0
Apache Commons Collections                                           Apache License 2.0
Apache Commons Lang                                                  Apache License 2.0
Apache Commons Vfs                                                   Apache License 2.0
Apache Curator                                                       Apache License 2.0
Apache Derby Database Engine And Embedded Jdbc Driver                Apache License 2.0
Apache Directory Api Asn.1 Api                                       Apache License 2.0
Apache Directory Ldap Api Utilities                                  Apache License 2.0
Apache Extras‚Ñ¢ For Apache Log4J‚Ñ¢.                                Apache License 2.0
Apache Groovy                                                        Apache License 2.0
Apache Hadoop Annotations                                            Apache License 2.0
Apache Hadoop Auth                                                   Apache License 2.0
Apache Hadoop Common                                                 Apache License 2.0
Apache Hadoop Hdfs                                                   Apache License 2.0
Apache Http Transport For The Google Http Client Library For Java    Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Avro                                                  Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Column                                                Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Common                                                Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Encodings                                             Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Format                                                Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop                                                Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Hadoop Bundle                                         Apache License 2.0
Apache Parquet Jackson                                               Apache License 2.0
Apache Thrift                                                        Apache License 2.0
Apache Velocity                                                      Apache License 2.0
Apache ds I18N                                                       Apache License 2.0
Apacheds Protocol Kerberos Codec                                     Apache License 2.0
Api Common                                                           Apache License 2.0
Args4J                                                               MIT License
ASM Core                                                             BSD 3-Clause License
Bonecp :: Core Library                                               Apache License 2.0
Calcite Avatica                                                      Apache License 2.0
Calcite Core                                                         Apache License 2.0
Calcite Linq4J                                                       Apache License 2.0
Cloud Storage Json Api V1-Rev20181109-1.27.0                         Apache License 2.0
Commons Beanutils Core                                               Apache License 2.0
Commons Collections                                                  Apache License 2.0
Commons Configuration                                                Apache License 2.0
Commons Daemon                                                       Apache License 2.0
Commons Math                                                         Apache License 2.0
Commons Pool                                                         Apache License 2.0
Commons Validator                                                    Apache License 2.0
Curator Client                                                       Apache License 2.0
Curator Framework                                                    Apache License 2.0
Curator Recipes                                                      Apache License 2.0
Data Mapper For Jackson                                              Apache License 2.0
Datanucleus Core                                                     Apache License 2.0
Datanucleus Jdo Api Plugin                                           Apache License 2.0
Datanucleus Rdbms                                                    Apache License 2.0
Dom4J                                                                BSD 4-Clause License
Eigenbase-Properties                                                 Apache License 2.0
Error-Prone Annotations                                              Apache License 2.0
Fastutil                                                             Apache License 2.0
Findbugs-Jsr305                                                      Apache License 2.0
GAX (Google Api eXtensions) for Java                                 BSD 3-Clause License
Gnu Trove                                                            GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1
Google Apis Client Library For Java                                  Apache License 2.0
Google Auth Library For Java - Oauth2 Http                           BSD 3-Clause License
Google Cloud Core                                                    Apache License 2.0
Google Cloud Core Http                                               Apache License 2.0
Google Cloud Storage                                                 Apache License 2.0
Google Http Client Library For Java                                  Apache License 2.0
Google Oauth Client Library For Java                                 Apache License 2.0
Groovy                                                               Apache License 2.0
Gson                                                                 Apache License 2.0
Guava: Google Core Libraries For Java                                Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Mapreduce-Client-Common                                       Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Mapreduce-Client-Core                                         Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Mapreduce-Client-Jobclient                                    Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Mapreduce-Client-Shuffle                                      Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Api                                                      Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Client                                                   Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Common                                                   Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Server-Applicationhistoryservice                         Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Server-Common                                            Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Server-Nodemanager                                       Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Server-Resourcemanager                                   Apache License 2.0
Hadoop-Yarn-Server-Web-Proxy                                         Apache License 2.0
Hamcrest Core                                                        BSD 3-Clause License
Hand1.0 Java Transaction API                                         Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Hand1.0 JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF)                         Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Hand1.0 jsp-api                                                      Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Hand1.0 servlet-api                                                  Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Hanino                                                               BSD 3-Clause License
Hanohttpd-core NanoHttpd-Core                                        BSD 3-Clause License
Hch (com.jcraft3-Clause License) JSch                                BSD 3-Clause License
Heflections (org.reflections3-Clause License) (WTFPL) Reflections    BSD 3-Clause License
Hhreeten backport (org.threeten3-Clause License) ThreeTen backport   BSD 3-Clause License
Hive Ant Utilities                                                   Apache License 2.0
Hive Common                                                          Apache License 2.0
Hive Metastore                                                       Apache License 2.0
Hive Query Language                                                  Apache License 2.0
Hive Serde                                                           Apache License 2.0
Hive Shims                                                           Apache License 2.0
Hive Shims 0.20S                                                     Apache License 2.0
Hive Shims 0.23                                                      Apache License 2.0
Hive Shims Common                                                    Apache License 2.0
Hive Shims Scheduler                                                 Apache License 2.0
Hommons compiler                                                     BSD 3-Clause License
Google Auth Library for Java - Credentials                           BSD 3-Clause License
Horg.ow2.asm2                                                        BSD 3-Clause License
Protocol Buffer Java API                                             BSD 3-Clause License
Protocol Buffers [Util]                                              BSD 3-Clause License
Htrace-Core                                                          Apache License 2.0
Httpclient                                                           Apache License
Httpcore                                                             Apache License
AntLR Runtime                                                        Public Domain
Io.Grpc:Grpc-Context                                                 Apache License 2.0
J2Objc Annotations                                                   Apache License 2.0
Jackson                                                              Apache License 2.0
Jackson 2 Extensions To The Google Http Client Library For Java      Apache License 2.0
Jackson-Annotations                                                  Apache License 2.0
Jackson-Core                                                         Apache License 2.0
Jackson-Databind                                                     Apache License 2.0
Jasper-Compiler                                                      Apache License 2.0
Jasper-Runtime                                                       Apache License 2.0
Jasypt: Java Simplified Encryption                                   Apache License 2.0
Javamail Api                                                         Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Javaparser-Core                                                      GNU Lesser General Public License
Javassist                                                            Apache License 2.0
Javax.Annotation Api                                                 CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
Javax.Inject                                                         Apache License 2.0
Jax-Rs Provider For Json Content Type                                GNU Lesser General Public License
Jaxb Api Bundle For Glassfish V3                                     Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jaxb Ri                                                              Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jcommander                                                           Apache License 2.0
Jdo Api                                                              Apache License 2.0
Jersey-Client                                                        Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jersey-Core                                                          Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jersey-Guice                                                         Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jersey-Json                                                          Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jersey-Server                                                        Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Jetty Server                                                         Apache License 2.0
Jetty Utilities                                                      Apache License 2.0
Jline                                                                BSD License
Jquery                                                               MIT License
Jtds                                                                 GNU Lesser General Public License
Junit                                                                Eclipse Public License 1.0
Junit Jupiter Api                                                    Eclipse Public License 2.0
Junit Jupiter Engine                                                 Eclipse Public License 2.0
Junit Platform Commons                                               Eclipse Public License 2.0
Junit Platform Engine Api                                            Eclipse Public License 2.0
Junit Platform Launcher                                              Eclipse Public License 2.0
Jyaml                                                                BSD License
Kryo                                                                 BSD 3-Clause License
Leveldbjni-All                                                       BSD 3-Clause License
Log4J Implemented Over Slf4J                                         Apache License
Logback Classic Module                                               Eclipse Public License 1.0
Logback Core Module                                                  Eclipse Public License 1.0
Lucene Common Analyzers                                              Apache License 2.0
Lucene Core                                                          Apache License 2.0
Mchange-Commons-Java                                                 Eclipse Public License 1.0
Minlog                                                               BSD 3-Clause License
Mockito                                                              MIT License
Opencensus                                                           Apache License 2.0
Opencsv                                                              Apache License 2.0
Org.Opentest4J:Opentest4J                                            Apache License 2.0
Oro                                                                  Apache License 2.0
Paranamer Core                                                       BSD License
Parquet Hadoop Bundle                                                Apache License 2.0
Pentaho Aggregate Designer Algorithm                                 Apache License 2.0
Picocli - A Mighty Tiny Command Line Interface                       Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Api-Mockito                                                Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Api-Mockito-Common                                         Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Api-Support                                                Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Core                                                       Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Module-Junit4                                              Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Module-Junit4-Common                                       Apache License 2.0
Powermock-Reflect                                                    Apache License 2.0
Proto-Google-Iam-V1                                                  Apache License 2.0
Qdox                                                                 Apache License 2.0
Reflectasm                                                           BSD 3-Clause License
Slf4J Api Module                                                     MIT License
Snappy For Java                                                      Apache License 2.0
Spring Aop                                                           Apache License 2.0
Spring Beans                                                         Apache License 2.0
Spring Commons Logging Bridge                                        Apache License 2.0
Spring Context                                                       Apache License 2.0
Spring Core                                                          Apache License 2.0
Spring Jdbc                                                          Apache License 2.0
Spring Testcontext Framework                                         Apache License 2.0
Spring Transaction                                                   Apache License 2.0
Stax Api                                                             Apache License 2.0
Streaming Api For Xml                                                Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Testng                                                               Apache License 2.0
The Netty Project                                                    Apache License 2.0
Vault-Java-Driver                                                    MIT License
Xerces2 Java Parser                                                  Apache License 2.0
Xml Commons External Components Xml Apis                             Apache License 2.0
Xml Compatibility Extensions For Jackson                             GNU Lesser General Public License
Xmlenc Library                                                       BSD License
Xz For Java                                                          Public Domain
Zookeeper                                                            Apache License 2.0

Open Source Software resources:

License                                                               URL

Apache License                                              
Apache License 2.0                                          
Apache License 2.0                                          
Apache License                                              
BSD 3-Clause License                                        
BSD 4-Clause License                                        
CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception                       
Common Development and Distribution License 1.0             
Common Development and Distribution License 1.1             
Eclipse Public License 1.0                                  
Eclipse Public License 2.0                                  
GNU Lesser General Public License                           
GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1                       
GNU Lesser General Public License                           
MIT License                                                 
Apache License 2.0                                          
Apache License 2.0                                          
GNU General Public License, v2 with FOSS exception